The Sun's affect on humans

    The sun does all kind of things to humans. Basically if it weren't for the sun humans could not have been created as I explained in another tab.

        The sun is a very important factor in our lives. The sun can affect your skin. Sometimes it is good to be in the sun because it helps you walk. This is because the sun contains high vitamin D levels. If you lack vitamin D it softens your bones and muscles so much you could not walk. The sun is the highest source of vitamin D in the world.
        I'm sure everyone has tanned or used the sun to affect their skin once in their life. What I mean by this is tanning. Tanning is when you use the sun to almost burn your skin till its brownish. Its almost the same concept as if you put toast in a toaster when its done it will turn brown. The sun does the same thing to humans. However instead of getting burnt and black like toast when we get to much sun. We get a sunburn. Basically, your skin is red and it burns if someone or you, or anything touches the sunburn.
    So the sun affects humans in lots of ways. There are so many ways I cannot even say how many. One major way the sun affects humans is obvious. Brightness............... If it were not for the brightness it would be like night forever or earth. Also as i said it also affects the creation of mankind. Therefore the importance of the sun to us is stated.